Stupid post of the night

Kinja'd!!! "Takuro Spirit" (takurospirit)
01/12/2017 at 20:08 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!2 Kinja'd!!! 47

We have FP sites for games, sports, cars, tech, and whatever the heck Lifehacker is. All HOBBIES, right?

I do not personally understand how Jezebel fits in there, and now even more so The Root.

Why does the need for such a blog need to exist? If I were to make one called WHITE DUDES STUFF (as an example, I would be too lazy to make two separate blogs for being a dude, and white) I’d piss off a lot of people and be called a racist and a misogynist and be boycotted and shut down. Maybe.

I’m rambling here but it seems like all it is doing when someone makes a blog like this, or a store, or a product, that its pushing people... HUMANS farther apart. Be it by gender, race, culture, etc.

For example: This thing is only for X type of people, Y types are not allowed!

And I know that’s not always the case, but that’s how it looks from the outside. Just look at the titles of some of the stories. Sure seems to be geared toward scaring certain types of people away.

Maybe my dumb brain just doesn’t get it, or maybe I had too much ice cream tonight and the gas is affecting my reasoning but as a white slightly lactose intolerant straight male I don’t know if I’m just confused, or should be offended, or what.

Can’t we all just get along as humans and enjoy the same things without being segregated as a people into specific blogs or stores or products? If you don’t like cars, you don’t go to Jalopnik. If you don’t like sports, you don’t go to Deadspin. If you... don’t like..... women.... or..... black people.... see what I mean?

“Cool car” (literally what I typed into GIS) for your time:



Kinja'd!!! Jake - Has Bad Luck So You Don't Have To > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:13


What on earth is The Root?

Kinja'd!!! Bman76 (hates WS6 hoods, is on his phone and has 4 burners now) > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:13


SSC Tuatara (if you’re wondering about the car and not the upcoming shit-show)

Kinja'd!!! shop-teacher > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:13


I just don’t click on it.

Kinja'd!!! Rainbow > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:23


Minorities and oppressed groups need to have a common forum of safe discussion. That’s why a white guys blog is not okay and a feminist one is. White guys don’t need a safe place/issue-specific news source.

Kinja'd!!! LongbowMkII > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:24


Ahhh the old White Entertainment Television argument.

You see they run these blogs to publish articles in order to attract views and, in turn, advertisers. Execs likely give zero shits about what is published so long as that ad revenue rolls in.

Kinja'd!!! djmt1 > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:27


So what would White Dude Stuff be about? What would be it’s USP? What’s the likelihood the content on it won’t be of a similar variety to other stuff on Gizmodo Media? Will it cater exclusively to white dudes or is there a chance that it could appeal to white women or men in general? All in all do you feel that there is a lack of content for white dudes?

Kinja'd!!! DC3 LS, will be perpetually replacing cars until the end of time > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:29


More and more I’m getting the feeling that kind of stuff draws more attention from white liberals than the minorities their targeted at. Either way IDGAF I don’t really get it either, but it doesn’t cause any problems either.

Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:30


Dude, I’m literally half an hour from my big opinion reveal and you’re about to upstage me.

Also, I’m making popcorn and am wondering what everyone wants.

Kinja'd!!! LongbowMkII > Jake - Has Bad Luck So You Don't Have To
01/12/2017 at 20:31


News, politics and social commentary from a black persepective.

Kinja'd!!! Ssfancyfresh > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:32


White guy here. I see what you are saying. If you’ll allow me to offer a counter point. Click on those links. Read the stories. Maybe learn something new. Comment and discuss with others.

Or don’t.

The end. That’s all I got.

Kinja'd!!! Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:34


You’re right in that everything we choose to consume is in fact geared towards a certain demographic. By which I mean: this entire post is awful and you seem to think that things you like and consume are okay, but things that appeal to others are unnecessary and wrong.

And the solution to problems is not to not talk about them and “get along”; it is the opposite. Just because you’re not experiencing strife based on your gender or ethnicity doesn’t allow you to dismiss perspectives from people who are.

Kinja'd!!! Bman76 (hates WS6 hoods, is on his phone and has 4 burners now) > LongbowMkII
01/12/2017 at 20:35


That sounds like something some of us should actually read.

Kinja'd!!! Amoore100 > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:39


Never been to Jezebel but I visited just now just looks like a Jalopnik “for women”? Ok, we really shouldn’t stereotype though because society would probably consider me (a liberal millennial homosexual male) to be among the prime Jezebel readership when really I’m much happier watching Koenigsegg employees slot turbo whiteblocks into Amazons. The point I’m trying to make is that this kind of following celebrity stuff and social news is just as much a hobby as the transportation-related stuff that Jalopnik deals with so in my eyes it’s just as valid; also, I’ve been on Jalopnik for three years and never gone to Jezebel so yes, it is possible to avoid. The gist of it is I don’t care and it doesn’t matter to me so I’m just going to keep minding my own business. Here, maybe a lovely Venturi will help you calm down.


On a side note, this is perhaps the only acceptable place for a PRV V6.

Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > LongbowMkII
01/12/2017 at 20:40


White Entertainment Television = WET

Wet = Moist

White = Moist


Kinja'd!!! nermal > LongbowMkII
01/12/2017 at 20:41


I’m gonna start a WET channel and only show Baywatch reruns 24/7.

Boom, instant bazillionaire.

Kinja'd!!! My bird IS the word > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:41


But I want to talk about cars, not Peyton manning or the “oppression” of women and minorities. Hence a cars only blog.

I want to separate myself from those people.

Kinja'd!!! Nerd-Vol > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:45


Same tired arguments I have been hearing since I was in middle school regarding BET.

First and foremost no one is forcing you to read anything.

Secondly, I think the idea of having a site dedicated about women or black people making you unhappy may say more about you than the actual site.

Finally there are plenty of sites out there dedicated towards the interests of white men. Unfortunately the content ends up being questionable.

Kinja'd!!! Urambo Tauro > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 20:46


What I like about The Root is that it expands Kinja’s FP blogs in a way that allows for better organization. I don’t know if its sub-blogs will be required to adhere to a black theme, but there’s potential to finally have a proper place for off-topic posts that Gizmodo’s been getting spammed with, especially since Gawker’s demise.

To be fair, The Root’s “sub-blogs” are actually just tag searches, but they look promising in their generality (“news”, “politics”, “culture”, etc.) We’ll have to wait and see if they decide to flesh those out into dedicated sub-blogs. This could go a long way in cleaning up the FP Kinjaverse.

Kinja'd!!! Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo > Nerd-Vol
01/12/2017 at 20:52


Reminds me of when my coworker complained “the gays” were “rubbing it in everyone’s face.” I asked for one example and he said the gay pride parade. I asked him if he attended. He said no. So where and when exactly did said rubbing occur?

Kinja'd!!! CRider > Takuro Spirit
01/12/2017 at 21:02


Stormfront is over here .

Kinja'd!!! yamahog > CRider
01/12/2017 at 21:40


I appreciate the sentiment, but in the future, no need to actually link to that shitheap.

Kinja'd!!! LongbowMkII > nermal
01/12/2017 at 21:44


Baywatch died the second 56k started loading relatively pixel free nipples to your computer.

Kinja'd!!! Jake - Has Bad Luck So You Don't Have To > LongbowMkII
01/12/2017 at 22:11


Huh. What is the name derived from?

EDIT: I have high hopes for this blog but I fear they will be misplaced... I hope to not see it devolve into a hate-filled circlejerk like Jezebel but knowing the Gawkerverse it will soon be filled with white hate instead of anything constructive.

Kinja'd!!! Bman76 (hates WS6 hoods, is on his phone and has 4 burners now) > Amoore100
01/12/2017 at 23:21


Mmmmm... Venturi Atlantique, so nice. But this also had the PRV:


Kinja'd!!! Amoore100 > Bman76 (hates WS6 hoods, is on his phone and has 4 burners now)
01/13/2017 at 03:07


Oh yeah? This had the PRV out of that!


Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Nerd-Vol
01/13/2017 at 08:34


I knew someone would turn it against me. :/

I’m not arguing with the existence of these types of blogs, I’m confused as to how they belong HERE, among more HOBBYIST type sites. The BET angle doesn’t apply here. It’d be similar, to say.... ESPN having a BET and Lifetime time slot every few hours during the day.

Here it seems to invite MORE separation, a thing I thought we were all fighting against.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo
01/13/2017 at 08:40


They seem to be unnecessary HERE, next to blogs about CARS AND SPORTS AND THANGS.

If I want to talk about my issues with sweaty feet I don’t expect Gawker to have a site geared only me and people with sweaty feet. There’s other places on the net I can go for that. I’m not saying we should not talk about them, but we should talk about them AS A WHOLE. Not ostracize others by making a blog that’s geared toward only one side of the ‘argument’.

If I want to talk about the strife I in fact DID experience due to my race and gender I sure as Hell don’t expect to do that here, neither. I came here to talk about cars, and games, and maybe some other interesting stories. I don’t see how having a site geared towards a lifestyle should include those that geared toward a LIFE.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Rainbow
01/13/2017 at 08:44


Maybe we do? Maybe they don’t? Maybe we can all just unite as one fucking race of PEOPLE and talk about things as equals. Oh right, we can’t. Because we need race and gender specific places of discussion.

Not all blacks and women are oppressed, and not all whites are un-oppressed and full of privilege.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > djmt1
01/13/2017 at 08:46


I feel there is no need for it, but it appears to be okay for black and women specific sites to be needed.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > CRider
01/13/2017 at 08:47


Exactly. It’s over THERE. Not at the top of the bar on every Gawker site I visit. Or crossposted to the sites I visit.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Ssfancyfresh
01/13/2017 at 08:50


I know enough. And chances are I will go there and read it unless it turns into a white-hating site like Jez can be a man-hating site sometimes.

I grew up poor in the ghetto of Milwaukee. I am lucky to have gotten out, but I don’t see how segregating ourselves now 20 years later is helping anything.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > TheHondaBro
01/13/2017 at 08:51


I’ll have butter on mine, maybe a little salt.

I literally posted this and went to bed, hoping to get some constructive comments and reply to them in the morning. All in all they haven’t been too bad.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Urambo Tauro
01/13/2017 at 08:52


I do agree the Gawker style shit posts need SOMEWHERE to go. I wouldn’t dump them on The Root though. Seems unfair to them as well.

Kinja'd!!! Ssfancyfresh > Takuro Spirit
01/13/2017 at 10:29


Ok. I guess I don’t see it as segregation. It’s a collection of stories that relate to a given subject. Like Jalopnik is for us car dorks. Deadspin is for sports topics. Gawker used to be pop culture and politics, etc, etc.

Nobody is telling you that you can’t go there, read the stories, and engage in discussion because you are a white male. If you feel you have something to offer relating to the subject matter, I would hope that the mods there would welcome you to the fold.

Kinja'd!!! Rainbow > Takuro Spirit
01/13/2017 at 11:20


That’s not how privilege works, though. Obviously there are black people, women, and examples of pretty much every other minority who are better off in their personal lives than most white people, and there are some white people who are worse off personally than most minorities.

But in each of those cases, the reason cannot be traced to their skin color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, culture, anything. However, when an employer subconsciously rejects Dantavius Gbadebo’s resume in favor of the slightly less qualified Daniel Jones, that’s white privilege. When Rachel buys her car for $23,500 and Jackson gets his identical model from the same dealer for $22,250, that’s male privilege. When a student is terrified to wear her hijab to school because she’s bullied by the girl who safely wears a cross around her neck, that’s Christian privilege. It’s a systemic issue that doesn’t affect individuals directly so much as it does entire groups, making it truly unavoidable for them.

I don’t deny that there are some issues pertaining to men that need to be changed, but those are covered under feminism. Toxic masculinity, the social stigma against men who show emotion or like traditionally feminine things like dancing over traditionally masculine things like football, for one thing, is strongly advocated against in those circles.

This is the way to go about bridging those gaps and bringing us together as one singular group of just human beings. We can’t just ignore our differences while we’re - usually unknowingly - allowing ourselves as a society to pick favorites. It’s important to look at every subsection of the population separately so that we can understand how to treat them all with equal fairness.

Kinja'd!!! Nerd-Vol > Takuro Spirit
01/13/2017 at 11:39


The thing is I think your argument there is flawed. Gawker was started as a news and gossip site, not necessarily a hobby site. From there the other sites around it to cater to different interests. In 2007 gawker created Jezebel because they saw that over 70% of their readership were women. They felt they could put articles that would be interesting to women on that site. Why split those articles to their own place? Well people complain about the content on Jezebel period, now imagine they just ended the site and started posting the same articles on Deadspin or Gizmodo.

What is wrong with catering to a particular audience? None of these sites are putting barriers stating that only women or blacks can read them. They are simply gathering together articles that they think that particular groups may find interesting and posting them for all to read.

Also espn has the same thing. Espnw, and the undefeated are espn platforms which are designed to appeal to different demographics.

At the end of the day Jezebel has been around for a decade and you’ve seem to make it work, so why can’t you do the same with the root?

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Nerd-Vol
01/13/2017 at 11:56


I’m not saying it CAN’T work, just that the logic of having the sites seems flawed. Jez I can deal with because it was around a long time before I came here and there’s no point in complaining. I’ve always known it didn’t really fit, and now it seems The Root’s going to follow a similar formula.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > Ssfancyfresh
01/13/2017 at 11:59


But its not a subject that anyone can partake in.

I can learn a sport, I can learn about cars, I can’t become a woman (easily) nor black.

I can UNDERSTAND them, yes. But I cannot truly ‘belong’.

I’m not saying I won’t go there, or shouldn’t. I just don’t understand why it and Jez are needed HERE, along with all the other blogs of a different nature.

Kinja'd!!! MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s > Rainbow
01/13/2017 at 14:29


White guys are only a majority in the Western world. If you’re a white dude living in Japan, China, India, Saudi Arabia, etc. then you are the minority. Minority issues are not confined to certain races, but rather certain locations/cultures. So, no, white guys in the US, Europe, Canada, etc don’t need a “safe space”, but I always take issue with the argument that white people can’t be a minority. You’re just wearing blinders if you believe that.

Kinja'd!!! Rainbow > MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s
01/13/2017 at 15:01


I’m referring to the western world only. Sorry if there was any confusion.

Kinja'd!!! For Sweden > Takuro Spirit
01/13/2017 at 15:32


We have a White Dudes blog. Just click the Deadspin link to read it.

Kinja'd!!! MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s > Rainbow
01/13/2017 at 15:44


No confusion, I know most of the readers here are in the Western world, but the internet is not for just the Western world and the fact is that minority status is a race and location issue, not just race. I do agree with what you said though in your next response. I also understand wanting a place to discuss issues related to being a minority, but at the same time I get concerned that in creating these “safe spaces” we create echo chambers and then no one grows or learns.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > For Sweden
01/13/2017 at 15:49


But... most of the athletes are black.

Kinja'd!!! For Sweden > Takuro Spirit
01/13/2017 at 16:09


But none of the content is

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > For Sweden
01/13/2017 at 16:11


The words on the screen are.

Kinja'd!!! For Sweden > Takuro Spirit
01/13/2017 at 16:13



I need to re-valuate my life

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > For Sweden
01/13/2017 at 16:14


We all do.